The body has an amazing capacity to rebuild itself, and often it merely needs a little support and guidance. Join me on this journey--the insights and effects are magical!

This first course is where we begin with understanding the elements of how the core should organize and move. Just like the steps to becoming a great cook, there are steps to learning Bridging.

There are currently two tiers to learning and mastering the Bridging Technique—the Bridging Basics course, and the Mastery courses leading to certification.

The Bridging Basics course is comprised of five modules of content (5-minute concept lessons) and three workshops (10 hours each) for skill development.

·      Each module has a quiz to check assess understanding of content.

·      You will receive a certificate upon completion.

·      The workshops will be virtual and interactive via Zoom.


You will need a partner/demonstration subject for the workshop portion of the course. (Friday for approx. 1 hour, and either Sat or Sun for 1 hour. A schedule will be created to honor availability preferences.)

The class size will be limited to 15 total.

Application for Bridging Basics Program

Please click the link to complete this form.

Once accepted you will receive a code for 10% Early Bird registration when signing up by August 16th.

Schedule: Key Dates

Key Dates for Fall 2021

  • July 26th Registration opens
  • July 26th Access to online lessons Modules 1-3
  • Aug 31st Registration Closes
  • Sept 1st Kick-off Welcome in Zoom
  • Sept 17-19 Workshop via Zoom
  • Oct 22-21 Workshop via Zoom
  • Nov 19-21 Workshop via Zoom

Each workshop format will be as follows:

  • Friday 1-4p CST
  • Saturday 1-5p CST
  • Sunday 1-4p CST

The detailed schedule for each weekend will be posted two weeks prior.

You will need a demonstration person for approx 1 hour each Friday and 1 hour on each Sat or Sun.

Application for Bridging Basics Program

Please click the link to complete this form.

Module 1: Core Movements and Fundamental Concepts

Introduction of the foundational skills and basic concepts used in the Bridging technique. There are 16 videos of movements, 16 videos of concepts (5 min each).

You will learn:

  • The two most fundamental Bridging centering movements called Peanut and Bug.
  • The concepts and science related to these movements.
  • Gain an awareness of how these movements can serve as a test for other therapeutic supports or interventions.

Module 2: Arms, Legs and Integration to the Core

Expanding the foundational skills and concepts needed for pre and post assessment. There are 16 videos of movements, 16 videos of concepts (5 min each).

You will learn:

  • Assessment of movement relating the core, arms, and legs.
  • Assessment of functional movement control in seated and standing positions. This is used as a pre and post assessment of mobility and balance.
Module 3 Integrating Bridging Movements to address injury, illness and medical procedures. There are 16 videos (5 min each) and a three day workshop.

Injuries and medical interventions such as immobilization and surgery impact movement and regulation.

  • Learn the effects of injury, illness and trauma on movement and regulation; how to gather useful and relevant information from clients; and how to use Bridging related to this information.
  • Practice the Bridging assessment process with case studies taking into account common injuries and interventions. You will practice the use of Bridging to restore movement organization including use of details from client histories to enhance results.
Module 4 Understanding the integral role of the diaphragm to movement. There are 16 videos (5 min each) and a three day workshop.

The diaphragm is the center of posture, movement and breathing.

  • Explore the many roles of the diaphragm and how diaphragm dysfunction can originate from development, injury or illness. The use of Bridging to support and restore diaphragm function is a primary focus.
  • Practice assessing diaphragm relationships related to breathing, posture and movement. Bridging skills will focus on support and restoration of diaphragm dysfunction.
  • Also included will be discussion about the movements related to circulatory, lymphatic and digestive systems
Module 5 Exploring the role of sensory systems and movement. There are 16 videos (5 min each) and a three day workshop.

Movement is guided by the visual and vestibular systems.

  • Explore the inter-related function of movement, visual and vestibular functions affecting function at all ages.
  • You will learn common ways sensory integration is disrupted including auto accidents, head trauma and birth (forceps, c-section, etc., and the how to use Bridging to restore movement integration with sensory processing.
  • Practice the Bridging assessment of the inter-related aspects of movement, visual and vestibular functions.

Hi, I’m Cara Lindell, the founder of the Bridging Technique.

The Bridging Technique is the product of my background in power systems engineering, exercise science and a child with significant medical and learning challenges.

We use physics of the body to support and re-organize the body to work the way it is designed to!

This course is your first step into a new understanding how movement within the body is supposed to function, and a magical way to change it!

Select a pricing plan.

Sign-up begins July 26th.

You must complete an application before registering. Application for Bridging Basics Program

Please click the link to complete this form.

Course Curriculum

  Welcome to Introduction to Bridging Basics Course
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 1: Introduction to Regulation and Bridging Movements
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2: Bridging Basics
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3: Bridging Fundamentals
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4: Bridging Fundamentals - The Diaphragm
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 5: Sensory System Integration with Movement
Available in days
days after you enroll