General considerations for working post-surgical

So many concerns people have with headache or neck pain originate from surgeries to the head and neck.

Common scenarios include surgical intervention to sinus, eye, jaw, neck , cervical and dermatological procedures.

Questions you should try to answer include:

  • breathing support (intubated?)
  • positioning during surgery, especially of the head
  • restrictions post-surgical including brace, or hardware
  • Asymmetries caused by the procedure.

Tips when working include:

  • orient the head to the position during surgery, if known
  • Begin with generally supporting the head and be patient.
  • Add tiny oscillatory motion using light finger touch. You should feel shifts in the tension almost like sand shifting in a ball being rolled.
  • Follow the shifts and add tiny movements when stuck.
  • As you progress and reach a stopping point, test each direction of movement to re-center (lateral, rotation, anterior-posterior)
  • Lastly, reintegrate the head to the body, check bug and sways.

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